Boston Terrier (short coat) : : Female (spayed) : : Senior : : Medium Learn more about the Boston Terrier.
American Boston Terrier Rescue & Rehabilitation
Busy Bea is approximately 9 years old and as sweet as they come! She’s a very busy 16 lb girl, but she’s also extremely cuddly and she absolutely loves to have her tummy rubbed. Bea is working hard to learn good manners, but her enthusiasm often gets the best of her so constant reinforcement is a must. She’s a wiggly, happy girl and she would absolutely love to claim your lap as her favorite resting spot. Beatrice doesn’t have very good manners yet, and that extends to other dogs. She’s very intrusive and she likes to dominate the other dogs in her foster home. (Cats are an unknown.) She jumps up and paws for attention so she wouldn’t be a good match for a family with young children, though we are working on that behavior. She whines and barks when she’s left alone because she’s working through some separation anxiety. Bea is pretty much housebroken, though she will occasionally piddle on the floor if I’m not right there to take her outside when she’s ready to go. Beatrice underwent an extensive dental a couple weeks ago and seven teeth were extracted. Additionally, we are working curing a condition in her mouth that results in ulcers on her gums and lips – likely a result of the unimaginable amount of bacteria in her mouth due to all those rotten teeth. She will benefit from oral rinses and water additives to help keep her mouth clean and fresh. She’s got arthritis in her hips and back legs that we’re treating with Myristin, and she’s on a raw diet supplemented with salmon oil. Her eyes, skin and coat have benefitted immensely from her new diet and she eats with gusto! More about BeatriceGood with Dogs, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Prefers cool climate, Prefers warm climate
All adoptions begin with our online application at
American Boston Terrier Rescue & Rehabilitation