First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Cell Phone*
Type of Dwelling* Choose one: House Apartment Condo
Type of Yard* Choose one: Unfenced Chain Link Wooden No Yard
Do you*
If renting, please provide your landlord's contact information
If you own, are you a part of a homeowner's association?
If you are part of a homeowner's association, please provide a brief explanation of the by-laws pertaining to dogs
Name, gender and age of all family/household members*
Have any members of your family/household been charged with cruelty or neglect to animals?*
Please provide the name, relationship and phone number for three personal references
Personal Reference 1:*
Personal Reference 2*
Personal Reference 3
Have you ever volunteered for any other organization?*
If so, please provide the organization name, contact details and dates of service
Please provide your Veterinarian's name, clinic name and phone number*
If you use more than one Veterinarian, please provide their details as well
Please list all animals with ages currently living in your home*
If you currently have animals, are they up to date on vaccinations?
If you currently have dogs, are they up to date on heart worm preventative?
Additional comments and/or special circumstances ABTRR should be aware of (if none, please enter "N/A")*
I understand that: If I am volunteering to foster, I am aware that foster dogs are not prescreened. Fostering means that I am willing to take on a health/behavioral/training challenged dog just for the sake of the dog. There is not a specific timeframe for fostering. Sometimes a dog is with the foster family for a few weeks or months, but it can be years, or my home may be the only home that dog will ever know. *
I give permission for ABTRR to contact my personal and veterinary references as well as the organizations I have previously or currently volunteer for. *
By entering your name and date below, you are electronically signing this document.*
Donate to ABTRR
Adopt an ABTRR dog
Foster an ABTRR dog
© Copyright 2006. All Rights Reserved. American Boston Terrier Rescue & Rehabilitation. Graphics may not be used in any form without written permission from ABTRR.